Untitled Zombie Boardgame

A Game Designed to introduce players to the concepts of gaming by a knowledgeable GM. Creative Commons Non-Commercial licence. Designed to be as cheap as possible.


Using wargaming logic we need to simpify damage and the rules generally. Need to build a system that is easily playable with minimum cash expenditure. Some effort expended is OK. Need to discuss maps and terrain. Instructions on how to print and create "Cards" and "tokens"

Game Types:

For the most replayability multiple game types are planned.




Every player gets a turn, going clockwise around the table, ending on the GM.

Players start with the 3 standard cards

Player cards are left face up for easy adjudication.

Humans move 10 spaces and act (use a card) per turn.

Humans have 10 HP (unless otherwise stated). At 0HP the character can no longer move. The character either stays immobile until assisted by another character with a health pack or becomes part of the zombie horde (replace mini with a zombie mini) at the Players Choice. If part of the Zombie Horde the player may make a new character at GM’s discretion.

Humans can climb obstacles as a move action. Falling from obstacles does 1d4HP

Zombies move 5 spaces OR act per turn.

The GM draws from the deck of Zombie cards. The GM holds a hand of 5 cards and can play 5 cards a round. Cards that stay active count towards the 5 cards a round. The GM may discard active cards at any time. The GM draws up to 5 cards to fill their hand at the end of their turn.  Zombies have 1HP unless otherwise noted. The GM is limited to zombies placed on the board at the start of the game, unless otherwise noted.


GMs should place counters as appropriate. Counters go on spaces or under Zombies or Characters. Loot counters can be accessed when the character lands on that space. Counters are 1 space big.

Human Cards:

Each player gets 1 each of the three standard cards.

Advanced Cards:

If a player desires, they may trade one of their standard cards for an Advanced card. After drawing cards at the beginning of the game, the remaining cards are left face down to be drawn when Loot counters are encountered.

Standard Rules:

Players choose any one card and discard a standard card.

Advanced Rules:

Players draw one card from the deck and then choose to discard it or a standard card of choice.

Special Rules:

Players choose a standard card to discard, THEN draw a card from the deck