I've worked with many role playing games and systems over the decades. I've never been fully satisifed with any particular ruleset and setting, so I have a lot of thoughts on the subject.
I've done signifigant work on several settings that have fallen by the wayside for one reason or another. Positing notes and ideas about them here kepping them alive. These are generally system agnostic, but rules will likely be in Universal 5 Dot or RPG:OTG style as those are the 2 rulesets I'm most comfortable writing in.
No ruleset survives contact with the campaign. I've worked on several ideas for new or modified rules overthe years and have thoughts on rules in general.
Of course I have thoughts on other Systems and settings in RPGs
This section of links is for discussions of settings and tropes that transcend game system, (although system specific discussion may be included). It may include tips, tricks, criticism and pitfalls to watch out for, as well as ideas that work for setting or genre but are not really enough for a game.
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