CYCLOPS Rumors about Origins 11. A strong stochastic force with no true leader 12. Actually the topmost global corporate entity 13. Began as a society of assassins who started WWI 14. Born when a dangerous FIST agent turned heel 15. Built from nothing but the Director’s force of will 16. Chartered by Victorian venture capitalists 21. Contract agreement between the CIA and KGB 22. Created in secret by a powerful necromancer 23. Deployed by totalitarian future Earth government 24. East-West black project to quash the rise of ESP 25. Eastern Bloc policing apparatus gone rogue 26. Established by God to keep things under control 31. Evolved from an ancient Greek mystery cult 32. First assembled by Emperors Nero and Caligula 33. Founded by Nazi fugitives in Argentina 34. Gathered from all nations by an eldritch god 35. Granted US funding as part of the Red Scare 36. INTERPOL spinoff that got out of control 41. Inherited name from a mundane spy satellite net 42. Installed by aliens to guide human history 43. Introduced to counter safehouses 44. Joint Axis-Allies social control program 45. League of Nations revenant organization 46. Managed by an AI with big plans for humanity 51. Medieval splinter of the Catholic Church 52. Once did what FIST does, then sold out 53. Present since life began thanks to time travel 54. Reactionary ruling class response to mass media 55. Restructured remains of the East India Company 56. Science think tank mutated by power and greed 61. Secretly joint-developed by all major corporations 62. Society for vampires co-opted by non-vampires 63. Spontaneously began existing via mass belief 64. Started as a band of sellswords from Uruk 65. Supervillain henchman army that lost its leader 66. Was a union-busting PMC with lofty aspirations Location of High Command: 11. A strong stochastic force with no true leader 12. Actually the topmost global corporate entity 13. Began as a society of assassins who started WWI 14. Born when a dangerous FIST agent turned heel 15. Built from nothing but the Director’s force of will 16. Chartered by Victorian venture capitalists 21. Contract agreement between the CIA and KGB 22. Created in secret by a powerful necromancer 23. Deployed by totalitarian future Earth government 24. East-West black project to quash the rise of ESP 25. Eastern Bloc policing apparatus gone rogue 26. Established by God to keep things under control 31. Evolved from an ancient Greek mystery cult 32. First assembled by Emperors Nero and Caligula 33. Founded by Nazi fugitives in Argentina 34. Gathered from all nations by an eldritch god 35. Granted US funding as part of the Red Scare 36. INTERPOL spinoff that got out of control 41. Inherited name from a mundane spy satellite net 42. Installed by aliens to guide human history 43. Introduced to counter safehouses 44. Joint Axis-Allies social control program 45. League of Nations revenant organization 46. Managed by an AI with big plans for humanity 51. Medieval splinter of the Catholic Church 52. Once did what FIST does, then sold out 53. Present since life began thanks to time travel 54. Reactionary ruling class response to mass media 55. Restructured remains of the East India Company 56. Science think tank mutated by power and greed 61. Secretly joint-developed by all major corporations 62. Society for vampires co-opted by non-vampires 63. Spontaneously began existing via mass belief 64. Started as a band of sellswords from Uruk 65. Supervillain henchman army that lost its leader 66. Was a union-busting PMC with lofty aspirations CYCLOPS GADGETS (2d6) 2. Anti-mnemonic syringe The anti-mnemonic syringe can easily be mistaken for an oddly dense steel ballpoint pen. When used on a major artery, the victim's bloodstream is flooded with a chemical compound that induces a several hour blackout, followed by general amnesia. The syringe is wondrously effective for memory wipes, leaving the afflicted with no recollection of the past day and a feeling of “lost time." 3. Appearance scrambler CYCLOPS employs compact, belt-mounted appearance scramblers to hide obviously ultrahuman operatives. Push a button and the scrambler will project a combination hologram-psionic shell which fools onlookers into perceiving an unremarkable civilian. The scrambler is thorough down to the user’s voice and mannerisms, but cannot simulate any existing person due to quantum interference. The holographic shell has only 3 HP and takes DAMAGE alongside the user, so the device must remain well-protected for its entire 12-hour battery life. 4. Comms wire Most CROs communicate with their team using state of the art, credit card-sized transistor radios tucked away in a pocket or strapped to strategic points along the torso and limbs. These radios are unlike anything available on the consumer market, allowing for simultaneous twoway communication and multi-user “conference calls.” Instead of a microphone and speaker, CYCLOPS has developed a rubberized flesh-toned wire with a micromotor tip for vibrating in- and out-going audio through the wearer’s cartilage. 5. Containment pylons One CYCLOPS containment kit includes three telescoping black pylons (ten inches long collapsed and about five feet tall with spring-loaded tripod feet when extended) and a two-button remote which fits in the user’s palm. When the pylons are placed in a triangle and activated, a pyramid-shaped forcefield (6 ARMOR, 40 HP) forms between them. The containment pylons nullify most of the movement-based abilities known to CYCLOPS, have a maximum volume roughly equal to a gymnasium, and can be switched to “neutralize,” turning the forcefield bright red and dealing 6D6 DAMAGE to anything inside. 6. False death implant The false death implant is a time-honored trick: a molarimplanted pill which, when ingested, perfectly simulates death (in fact cadaverous sleep) for twenty-four hours. 7. Dynamic ID Dynamic IDs are blank plastic ID cards mass produced by captive magicians, outfitted with a simple glamour that responds to the user's whims. The glamour will show a set of believable credentials to anyone who isn't looking too closely. All CYCLOPS personnel, even desk jockeys and janitors, are trained early on to spot dynamic IDs. 8. Fingerprint neutralizer Although CYCLOPS has at least indirect control over all law enforcement agencies, covering one's tracks is still a constant concern. The fingerprint neutralizer is a bulky, pistol-shaped device which projects a short-range cone of sebum-disturbing sonic vibration. Once used, prints on any surface become distorted and illegible. 9. Dissolving ammunition For high-profile assassinations or missions which require leaving no trace of an agent's presence, CYCLOPS uses proprietary “dissolving ammunition" which contains a strain of specially-cultivated alien bacteria capable of rapidly metabolizing lead (as well as flesh, to a certain extent—dissolving ammo deals an additonal 1 DAMAGE). Dissolving ammo is a finite resource, so you should either track your shots directly (dissolving ammo clips have 6 shots), or use the abstract ammo tracking rules (p. 73). 10. Portable fusion generator Despite the ensuing stable time loop, CYCLOPS Command has deemed their decision to build miniaturized cold fusion reactors based upon their own blueprints from the distant future “an acceptable risk." The briefcasesized generator can supply a city grid's worth of power for 24 hours—if pushed beyond this point, it will erupt in a small nuclear explosion which deals 10D6 DAMAGE. 11. Teleporter relay The chest-mounted teleporter relay instantly transports the user to the nearest CYCLOPS facility when the cord is pulled. CYCLOPS has no way to identify who is using a relay until target-site atomic reconstruction is complete, which can lead to major confusion if the incoming user turns out to be an enemy operative. 12. Thought disruptor Also frequently referred to as a “Schrödinger disruptor" in official documentation, the thought disruptor is used when the outcome of a quantum event needs to be changed. The disruptor self-destructs upon use and renders a target temporarily unable to perceive anything.