
A prime factor in the Wikipunk world is individuality. Nearly everything is custom. Being unique is prized, Being innovative is applauded. Sharing innovation is rewarded. Individuality is expressed in clothing, gear, body modifications and even modified genetic expression. Less then a third of the population have no body modifications. Most people have various piercings and tattoos. Minor bodymorphing is very popular with a smaller segment undergoing extensive cosmetic or functional changes.

Clothing can be bought and made on the spot to the customers exact specifications, including color, cut, features, and applied imagery and designs. Clothing that is 'Catalog' is a fashion faux pas and an invitation to ridicule. Accessories such as shoes, belts, web gear, bags are the same.

Society in the Wikipunk world expects individuals to be self-sufficient. From self-defense to unstopping a drain a person is expected to be capable of handling things at a basic level themselves. However, cooperation and teaching are also respected values. Asking for help, especially from friends, family and the net is not shameful. Teaching and assisting people generate 'Trib' (see below).

Privacy is another strong force in the Wikipunk times. Anything not explicitly stated to be public is considered private and privileged information. Speculation and deductions based on public or private data is gauche and challenged. 'Snitching;' relaying private data or deductions/speculations to authority (corporate or government) considered the height of untrustworthiness and reason for retribution.

Social networking and public forums are widely used. Very few people post under their legal names, but many will interact in the real world under their “handle”. Many people maintain several handles or aliases, some adopt their online persona as an alter ego.

Cryptography is ubiquitous in the Wikipunk society. All data and voice communications are encrypted by default. Even Personal area network devices encrypt the data in transit. Cryptobreaking technology has also come a long way. from quantum computers to exploit hardware that hacks encryption at the press of a button, the arms race in privacy continues.


While personal ideals are as varied as can be, the media and society in general tend to promulgate certain 'standards' of appearance. Male beauty standards for the developed world are based around the “distance runner” archetype. Tall, thin hairless and bald with excellent muscle definition. Women idealize towards short (5'6” tall) soft, but not overweight women with long hair, the longer the better. hair color is a matter of personal taste, any color is acceptable to the population at large , dyed hair is considered just another form of personal expression.

There is a sizable subculture of 'Barbarians,' Their culture is described in detail below but they tend toward hairy, heavily muscled men of average height and tall, willowy women. Facial hair on men is prized.

Body modification is acceptable to most people, the recent trends to hairlessness help to showcase tattoos and skin patterns. Nudity and partial nudity are still taboo in public but the line gets narrower every day.


In fashion as everything else individuality is key, but there are general trends. There is no stigma about printed clothes, it is an acceptable alternative to regular clothes that need laundering. Phones, computers, peripherals and “smart clothes” are nearly ubiquitous. Advanced and SOTA clothes may also have Augmented effects. Such as shoes that leave a trail of “Growing plants” or a coat that “Glows”. Effects can also be purchased and used with wearable computers and Headware. Clothing effects tend to be very professional, difficult to imitate and an ad for the clothing in some way.

“Off-the-Shelf” is an insulting thing to call someone’s clothing. Typical customizations are color, pattern and emblems. Images affiliation patches and witticisms are all commonly added to clothes for that personal touch. Often pockets are added, removed or modified. More extreme modifications include changing or adding fabrics adjusting the length of sleeves, skirts and legs or adjusting general fit. Many people custom design the clothes and print them at home or on a printing kiosk.

Casual clothing's biggest trend is the form fitting unitard or jumpsuit for both genders. The outfits are designed to show off the wearer's body. During warm weather bodysuits incorporating shorts and lacking sleeves are popular. They are also popular with line workers as outerwear that can be worn under a company jumpsuit. Pockets are unfashionable as they create unnatural lumps, so most people use web gear, concealed pockets or small shoulder bags. Many people wear T-Shirts or lightweight shirts and jackets over their “jump” for individuality, warmth and concealment of weapons, armor and personal gear. Heavier and longer coats are worn in the rain or when the weather turns cold. Colors and designs vary from item to item but currently trend towards bright colors in various simple patterns and solid colors with some printed design.

Wealthy and Rich men typically dress in the same fashion as executives. The latest fashion for women is smart fabric dresses that are tight in the bodice and flowing in sleeves and skirt. The ability to change shape, color and pattern at a moments notice are prized. Bodyguards, assistants and personal androids are status symbols and considered pretentious for anyone who is not Wealthy.

Web Gear and bags are the primary way to carry all the daily things people use to get through the day. It is available in a wild [wide?] array of colors, patterns and styles. Chest Pouches are popular with men, forearm and thigh mounts appeal to women. Gekko hair is often used to attach pouches wherever needed, Harnesses and straps are also used often for bigger pouches and bags.

Jewelry is most popular is high society, ostentatious jewelry is regarded as pretentious for the middle class and poorer lifestyles, where piercings are more popular. While there are many people who wear meaningful rings, bracelets and necklaces a growing trend is for people to get piercings or body modifications (like tattoos) to commemorate the most meaningful events and people in their lives. Cheap wiki printed items are very common among the young, each item is unique with strange designs and every color possible.

“Toolry:” A fashion very popular with “Barbarians” and gaining mainstream momentum is the concept of tools and gear as aesthetic accessories. Varying widely from enameled and chromed standard tools to stylized items what have utility beyond their appearance. A subset of 'Toolry' is “hide-in-plain-sight” items. Tools, weapons and electronics that look like jewelry or another type of item. Wearing 'Toolry” is considered an open boast of one's skills.

“Barbarian” counterculture casual styles favor strongly gender specific clothing for men and women Barbarian styles tend toward the handmade and robust, with natural fibers preferred over synthetics and printed clothing. “Disposable clothing” is gauche to the subculture.. Loose jumpsuits or shirts worn with pants or kilts in solid dark or earth tone colors for men. Armored vests over the top of the outfit. Women wear long dresses or skirts primarily with form-fitted hard armored bodices, tight sleeves and bracers. Women’s clothing is usually solid primary colors, red being a favorite. Both carry weapons, tools, electronics and gear are carried in web gear openly. Men often carry medium and large hand weapons openly when legal.

Armor and Society:

Armor is readily available and integrated into several types of clothing. Armor is perfectly legal for anyone who isn't a criminal and has a valid ID. Most of the Population doesn't bother with armor. People don't generally care if someone is wearing armor, but it is considered paranoid and gauche to wear better then Class II in public unless one is in a recognized threat profession (Security, courier, Police etc). Likewise driving an obviously armored vehicle is considered attention grabbing and and inconsiderate.

Business Fashion

Business Fashion is diminished by the rise of telecommuting and remote assistance. But in professions that still require physical presence, there is still a business standard of dress. What people wear to work varies according to what they do.

The military, police and other public sector officers typically wear armored coveralls, usually with some sort of web gear or utility belt.

Executives still typically wear suits, often made of smart fabrics in dark, conservative colors. Visible weapons tools, armor or electronics are considered gauche. Small amounts of jewelry are acceptable for men and women. Females often substitute a knee-length skirt for pants, a scarf or plain collar for a tie and have a wider opening in the jacket. Dress shoes haven't changed.

Mid-level management and local management/supervisors often wear “Business Casual” often adding blazers and/or ties at higher levels. Tops are collared shirts or polo shirts in the company colors. These shirts often have the company logo prominently displayed on the chest. Bottoms are slacks in khaki, black or company approved colors. Women may substitute skirts. Small personal electronics are more acceptable at this level as are weapons and armor that are related to the job. Jewelry is acceptable in small amounts.

Most companies require specific uniforms at the line level. These are usually printed coveralls in the company colors and design. Often with the employees name and job on the chest sharing room with the company logo. The back is often a “billboard” version of the company logo or a specific advertisement for the company. Some companies even have advertising agreements with other corporations to place their logos on the employees outfits. Weapons, armor and electronics are typically restricted to company issue only. Only small personal jewelry is allowed, sometimes none. Employees are expected to provide appropriate footwear and underwear. Changing facilities are provided by the company, often with a “Hot” locker (new locker every shift).