Intro to the SteamPUNK setting:

"Imagine the problems of the disruptive Industrial Age combined with the problems of the disruptive Information Age. Now couple that with exploration/expansion into the American West, South America, Africa, India and Asia. With a dash of poverty, anarchy and crime to taste. Too much steampunk is about being Lords and Ladies. The "punk" is in there for a reason, we're talking urchins, the underclass, the dispossessed and disenfranchised. My vision of the Steampunk setting is one of scoundrels and urchins fighting for their freedom and right to live against the robber barons and nascent corporations."

Like many of my efforts I need better naming. Something much less Generic. I'd really like to get the opinion of Dickens Fair-types who are not straight white guys because I think the best hope this setting has is in fun, ludo-accurate* portrayals of minorities and oppression. This is VERY tricky ground to cover, especially when it is recent (within living memory) and part of the current oppression today. But if X-men can do it with the civil rights and gay rights struggles, then maybe this game has a chance.

*Ludo-accurate: Close enough for games. That is, not so accurate it isn't fun anymore, not so inaccurate as to be parody or hurtful.

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