This section is a fanwork of the FIST Roleplaying Game. I've, seen the sets of tables and columns and thought that they could be improved with Hypertext, and rolled automatically with a little fun scripting. As i've been working on the system, my own ideas and content were also engaged.
FIST content used under Creative Commons permission. I have added attribution at the bottom of every FIST page. The conversion to HTML and scripts are undertaken by the owner of this site and others credited as appropriate. Some content may be edited or changed from the book. Other content may be original creation building on the FIST works. Any FIST works can be reused, remixed, republished etc as per their Creative Commons license. Other site material is licensed as per the Index page.
I really appreciate the creators of FIST releasing under such a broad license, making works like this possible. While I am copying large sections verbatim, I would recommend that anyone who likes this buy a copy for themselves. The presentation is excellent and there is more to this then just the tables.
FIST TablesThe tables for random generation. These are the human readable charts for people to see and roll against. Links will lead to the other relevant tables. |
FIST GeneratorsFollow the link to the FIST Generators page to automatically generate NPCs, locations, items and more! This area to develop it's own links as we work out the generators |
Making sense of the insensate. The book makes reference to the idea that everything is true, the more outlandish the more true it is. In FIST I find rules and setting that make little to no sense together. Each of these are very interesting and cool on their own but I was looking for a framework to tie it together. I found it in the idea of an old show Time Tunnel. A less military version might be Quantam Leap, a hyper-modern version might be the TVA from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A group outside of events looking in and using time travel event intervention to keep things on the right track. Possubley in some sort of Multiverse situation so that the characters never really know what they've already done might or might not count. This could place CYCLOPS as an emergent future attempting to soldifiy it's existence, maybe. All other therories of CYCLOPS origin are just as valid as each of them are how CYCLOPS could become the future that it wants.
All FIST content is used under the Creative Commons Attribution, Share-Alike CC-BY-SA noted in the Credits Page of the Ultra Edition.
FIST content Written by: B. Everett Dutton, Ripley Caldwell, T.H. Cochlin, Back-Alley Coalition, Max Danley
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